You'll definitely find more than meets the eye in this adventurous read. As Kira fights her internal struggles, she learns how to understand herself through the love of her friends Lydia and her brother, Octavian--whom she is hopelessly drawn to.
The Book Whisperer
Where books and readers meet
Monday, January 16, 2012
You'll definitely find more than meets the eye in this adventurous read. As Kira fights her internal struggles, she learns how to understand herself through the love of her friends Lydia and her brother, Octavian--whom she is hopelessly drawn to.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Guardians of Ga’Hoole:
The Capture
By Kathryn Lasky
Main Characters: Soren, Kludd, Gylfie, Soren’s mum, Soren’s Da, and Mrs. P (Nest maid snake).
When young Soren is pushed out of his halo as young owlet a St. Aggie’s patrol finds and picks him up off of the forest floor; he is taken to a place that turns out to be a night mare for him.
There he meets an Elf Owl named Gylfie. Together they resist the moon’s rays (as she calls moon blinked owlets.) together resist moon scolding by telling the legends of the Guardians of Ga’Hoole.
After awhile of observing the other owls (and starting to grow in there flight feathers) they notice one of the owls named Grimble was not completely moon blinked. Together they ask him to teach them to fly.
When the St. Aggie’s army notices the two owlets trying to escape they go after them and almost succeed until Grimble stops them from catching the two owls.
Will they ever find the Ga’Hoole tree and warn the Guardians? Will the St. Aggie’s Patrol ever catch them? Read and Find out!!!
I loved this book! It’s a must READ!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

by Tamara Hart Heiner
As a huge fan of YA, but having never read a thriller, I was excited when the author asked me to review her book. I read the synopsis and thought, hmm, I've watched detective shows, I think this one will be just as good. Even better . . .
I’ve never read a book that had my adrenaline pumping so hard and for so long! She succeeded in appealing to my reader’s eyes for a whole new genre world.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The City Of Ember
By Jeanne DuPrau
Main Characters: Lina Mayfleet, Doon Harrow, Poppy Mayfleet, Granny Mayfleet, the Mayor, Doon’s Dad, and Lina’s guardian.
For 200 years the City of Ember has been thriving until one dreadful day all their supplies to survive start going low and black outs happen more often than they should (according to the people) and scares them all.
Doon Harrow wants to be election’s helper but instead he got the job to work in pipeworks. He is determined to figure out what is wrong with the proud city’s Generator; the heart of the city. His friend Lina Mayfleet is a messenger; care free until she comes home one day and sees her Granny tearing the couch looking for something important. She finds Poppy sitting next to an old worn silver box. She doesn’t bother with it until curiosity gets the best of her.
She finds that the instructions with in the box are not clear so she takes to Doon because it says Pipeworks on them. Together they follow the instructions of the Builders as best as then can to find a way out.
Will they ever get out in time? What will happen to the people?
Rated G

Thursday, December 15, 2011

By Elizabeth Mueller
*review written by YA Book Babes
Winter Sky believes she is everything ordinary . . . until she is kissed by Alex Stormhold. As seer of Stormhold Coven, Alex is sworn to be Winter’s protector against the darkness that hunts her. Violently thrust into a magical realm she always thought impossible, she stumbles upon a disturbing secret of her own.
PG: some violence and intense scenes
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

By Orbet Skye
Main Characters: Beck Phillips, Jason, Milo, Kate, Millie (maid), Thomas (Butler), Wane (Gardner), and his filthy rich Uncle: Aeron.
Beck Phillips or Pillage is no ordinary boy. He is fifteen going to be sixteen. His life takes a bizarre turn when he moves into his Uncle’s house: His uncle is crazed and obsessed with dragons that Beck feels like that aren’t there, don’t exist, and have nothing to do with him . . . or so he thinks.
As bad as things get he finds a new power that once was a curse. He learns that his ancestors had brought it upon themselves: Because of their greed. A wizard cursed them and they turned the curse into pleasure: a powerful gift. The wizard didn’t like this so he cursed them again saying that they cannot enjoy anything that the dragons pillage: treasure, jewelry, gems and other precious objects.
Beck Pillage and his new found friends: Milo and Kate discover stones that look like eggs, Dragon eggs. They plant the eggs that soon hatch into five dragons and Beck finds things that make him soon wish he had never planted them in the first place.
Can he and Kate find a way to stop them in time before they destroy the entire village? Will he learn how to control them the right way or will they eat him and then die? Read and find out!
What I like about this book is you can have adventure you just have to find it; and be careful what kind of adventure you go looking for. Plus you can’t always trust everyone you meet like Beck trusted Milo.
It is Rated G

Monday, June 6, 2011
The Third
by Abel Keogh
from the back:
"The only way your kids are going to have any future is if we get this world back to a livable condition. The only way we're going to do that is with fewer people. People are the problem, not the solution."
Doesn't that just give you chills?
I enjoyed the world Abel Keogh built. It is strong, believable and frightening. I realize how blessed we are with our homes, our yards and swing sets, warm water, and motorized vehicles. Most of all, to have children without regulation--we won't be punished for having more than two!
I was hooked before I opened the book. I was hooked all the way to its end. Most of my nails are gone because I couldn't stop biting them! I will get my kids to read this and my friends, that's how much I enjoyed it. I look forward to the sequel!
Makes for a great book club discussion!
PG: some violence and intense scenes